Kitsap County Tennis League Rules
Rev 6/3/2014
The Kitsap County Tennis League (KCTL) is a summer recreational league intended to provide you with the opportunity to play tennis, and become acquainted with others in the community who also enjoy the sport. While players are assigned to teams, and match scores and team standings are recorded; the goal of the league is to provide competitive matches for players of all levels by attempting to match players against players of similar skills. Good sportsmanship, and courtesy to your opponents and your teammates is essential at all times.
KCTL rules are as follows:
1. No person shall be considered a league member unless the following requirements are met:
a. League application signed and submitted.
b. Registration fee must be paid.
2. League members cannot play for any team other than the one to which he/she is assigned, except as mutually agreed by opposing team captains. The use of a player from another team must be clearly identified to the opposing captain prior to start of play. This would normally only be done as a means to avoid a forfeit situation for a team without sufficient players in a play category. No additional players can be added without the approval of league directors.
3. All league members will receive a roster and schedule of matches. Players shall arrive at courts not later than 9:00 AM, with match play to begin no later than 9:15 AM, and finish when one opponent has won two out of three sets. Matches may be subject to forfeiture if players have not reported by 9:15 AM.
4. Team captains shall report team score results to the League Scorekeeper (will be identified prior to first week of match play) as soon as possible (ASAP) so that the league can get them posted. Home team Captain shall be responsible for reporting results, but visiting Captains may also report scores if desired. Report ALL matches played – those that do not count toward league standings, and those that do. Also identify players who show up for play, but do not get a match due to an odd total number of players.
5. USTA (United States Tennis Association) rules shall be as a general reference basis for the League. However, since USTA rules are quite lengthy, and since most league players are not entirely familiar with them, they shall be used as follows:
a. For specific situations not addressed directly in these KCTL rules, players on either team may identify USTA rules they wish to enforce either before start of play, or during play. If an infraction of a USTA rule by an opposing player occurs during play that HAS NOT been previously discussed, the occasion at which the rule infraction is first identified to the opponents shall NOT be used to claim a point, but may be cause for replay of the point in which the violation occurred.
But remember that this is a recreational league. Try to keep things on a friendly basis; and don’t attempt to disrupt normal course of play with excessive calls of rule infractions, or to claim points that you have not “earned”.
6. No alcoholic beverages, foul language or harassment of opposing players is allowed. Violation may be cause for expulsion from the league.
1. As many matches as can be made between similarly skilled players shall count toward league standings.
2. AA minimum of FOUR matches should be played utilizing a minimum of FIVE players (unless mutually agreed by BOTH Captains – like if both are short), with ONE match each in the Advanced (A) level (4.0 & above), High-Intermediate/Advance (HI/A) level (3.5 – 3.9), High-Intermediate (HI) level (3.0 – 3.4), and Intermediate (I) level (2.5 – 2.9) categories. Captains may utilize some limited skill level mixing in setting up these four mandatory matches based upon available players.
a. Acceptable skill level mixing consists of a doubles match where one pair of players has no more than a ONE player skill level advantage over the opposing pair; for example:
two “A” players versus one “A” player & one “HI/A” player,
two “HI/A” players versus one “A” player & one “HI/A” player,
two “HI/A” players versus one “HI/A” player & one “HI” player,
two “HI” players versus one “HI/A” player & one “HI” player,
two “HI” players versus one “HI” player & one “I” player,
two “I” players versus one “HI” player & one “I” player, etc.
Captains need to work together using their knowledge of their players to make sure that pairings are reasonable. Pairing of strongest players within a higher category against a mixed pairing should be avoided. COMPETITIVE matches are the goal. The Captain fielding the lowerrated combination of players shall have priority in the decision whether the pairing are an acceptable matchup to be counted toward league standings; but should attempt to count all matches except those with an obvious mismatch.
b. A singles match pairing different skill level players would not normally be considered an acceptable match for league scoring UNLESS AGREED UPON by BOTH Captains. It works if the player with the higher skill rating is at the low end of his category, and the player with the lower skill rating is at the high end of his category – but not vice versa.
3. All additional matches (beyond the four mandatory matches) that pit players of opposing teams against each other with skill levels that are sufficiently balanced as described above shall count toward league standings.
4. Other matches that mix players that do not meet the criteria to be counted toward league standings shall also be played and reported as non-counting matches. These could be matches that use various combinations of skills and team players. For instance, there might be three players from one team and only one from the other team. Or there might be two “A” players from one team and two “C” players from the other team where the pairings of an “A” player with a “C” player on each side makes a reasonably competitive match - but would not count toward league standings.
Claiming of forfeitures SHOULD BE AVOIDED IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. Maximum effort should be made to arrange suitable matches. However, forfeitures under the four mandatory minimum match rule may be claimed under the following circumstances:
1. If one team has NO players in a skill category while the other team has two or more players in that category, the team with the players MAY claim a FORFEIT as one of the four mandatory minimum matches. This is particularly important in the lower skill category. We need to ensure that ALL player levels get to contribute to teams standings – not just the better players. But if both team captains can agree that there are suitable players from a higher category that work, use them.
2. A FORFEIT may also come into play where one team is short of players in the higher level. For example, a team without “A” level player(s) may choose to forfeit the required “A” level match in lieu of moving lower rated players up to play against higher rated players and ending up possibly losing ALL their matches.
3. If BOTH teams are lacking players within a skill category, neither shall claim a forfeit.
Makeup matches may be necessary when scheduled play is interrupted, or not started due to rain. Rules are as follows:
In-progress Matches interrupted by rain:
1. If in-progress matches are interrupted by rain, each individual match may be rescheduled at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the match participants. Makeup matches must be completed within 2 weeks. Matches not completed within this time frame will be cancelled - with no points awarded to either team, except that completed sets shall be reported and counted toward league standings.
Matches not started due to rain:
When questionable weather prevents scheduled matches from being started, they shall normally be rescheduled. However, because weather conditions can vary considerably in different locations within the county, team members should not generally assume that a match will be cancelled without either consulting with their team captain or by being present at the scheduled match location at the required time. In this respect, ATTENDANCE SHALL BE REWARDED!! If members of one team show up for a match, and opposing team members do not show up - forfeits MAY be claimed by the attending team as further detailed below:
1. If weather conditions are questionable, team captains shall contact each other the morning of the match (approx 1 hour prior to match time) to discuss whether matches must be rescheduled. If a mutual agreement to reschedule is not reached, then Captains and team members from both teams should appear at the scheduled time and place for the match.
a. If the weather at match time renders courts unplayable, match pairings of attending players shall be determined by team Captains. Match participants shall then reschedule their match to a mutually agreeable time and place. Makeup matches must be completed within 2 weeks. Matches not completed within this time frame will be cancelled - with no points awarded to either team.
b. If opposing team members do not show up for the originally scheduled match, the attending team match members shall have the option of claiming forfeit matches or attempting to reschedule matches with the absent opponents. In such cases, match pairings shall be immediately identified; and no substitutions of players may be made in order to complete the makeup matches unless mutually agreed upon by both team captains.
(1) If attending players choose to attempt a reschedule, makeup matches must be completed within 2 weeks. If matches cannot be completed within this time frame, forfeitures may be claimed by the “attending players” team.
(2) Forfeitures may only be claimed in the mandatory three minimum matches.
2. If weather conditions appear severe enough to leave no doubt that matches cannot be played, team Captains shall contact each other the morning of the match (approx 1 hour prior to match time) and mutually agree that matches must be rescheduled. They should then contact their team members to inform them that they DO NOT need to show up in order to avoid possible match forfeitures.
a. Opposing team Captains shall subsequently contact each other again after advising their team members of the official RAINOUT status, and shall determine match pairings for the makeup matches. Team Captains shall then inform their team members and let them know who their opponents are.
b. Match participants shall then reschedule their match to a mutually agreeable time and place. Makeup matches must be completed within 2 weeks. If matches cannot be completed within this time frame, they will be cancelled - with no points awarded to either team.
Team standings shall be determined based on the total number of sets won and lost. One point shall be awarded for each set won, with each match being best of 3 sets, using a 12-point tie-breaker in the event of a 6-6 tie in games. A forfeiture is scored as a 2-0 match win.
League standings will be based on percentage of sets won.