Online Registration
Please complete ALL information.
Please COMPLETE /submit at the end of registration.
Teams for the 2024 season have been made. Anyone that signs up will be placed on a team of need not by requested location.
Registration is $50.
If payment is not submitted, you will not be registered.
2024 KCTL Online Application
NOTE: This league is NOT intended as an instructional league for beginners. Applicants MUST be age 17 or older, and play at an Intermediate level as a minimum.
Tournament is only open to league members. Tournament Registration is $25/player. The tournaments will be held on the scheduled weekends, there will be no extended days to make up matches -- unless there are unsafe conditions due to weather (rain, heat, smoke, etc.) or other public safety issues.
Please read the Terms and condition of the tournament if you have any questions about tournament. You can find info here: https://www.kitsapcountytennisleague.org/tournament
The Kitsap County Tennis League is now a Non-profit organization (503(c)(3))
The Kitsap County Tennis League is now a Non-profit organization (503(c)(3)). The goal is to support the development of an active, healthy, and connected community through tennis programs for youth, individuals, and families. The hope is to support and improve tennis facilities around the county, provide lights for the tournament and provide opportunities for youth to play tennis. There is a section for you to donate on the registration page of the website. Donations are tax deductible.
COVID Waiver*
Terms of Service*