League Application - 2021
It is time to dust off your tennis racquets and get ready for KCTL’s 47th season (again)!
County health guidelines have allowed us to start playing this season. Your $30 entry fee is one of the great bargains of the summer! It entitles you to 9 weeks of tennis (with the league providing the balls), a league cotton T-shirt, and a year-end picnic. There will also be a mid-season tournament open to league members. If you get your application in early (on-line applications only), you will get a $5 discount, reducing your cost to only $25!
Players are required to follow Kitsap County COVID Guidelines. We use schools’ district courts and must follow school district and county guidelines. The KCTL CANNOT use the high school courts if players do not follow current playing guidelines. If players choose not to follow Kitsap County’s guidelines, they will not be assigned KCTL matches. We understand if you choose not to follow Kitsap County’s guideline. If you choose not to follow the guidelines, we will welcome you back when the restrictions are loosened. If the county restrictions tighten KCTL is not able to issue refunds. Players are not required to play each week if they feel their health and safety are in jeopardy.
You MUST follow the USTA Safety guide to participate.
If you choose not to follow the guidelines, we will welcome you back next season when the restrictions are loosened.
You must follow this each week to play.
Inform your captain by Wednesday if you are available to play Saturday.
Captains will assign matches, playing sites and court assignments for each team.
Players will report directly to their assigned playing site and court location.
Arrive 15min prior to match start time.
On Saturday, start your match ON TIME.
Warm up is 15 min maximum.
Rules at matches (Saturday):
Do not play if you are sick or have flu-like symptoms.
Must follow USTA Social guidelines: https://www.usta.com/content/dam/usta/sections/pacific-northwest/pdfs/play/swwleague/SummerSocialGuidelines2020.pdf
Limit the amount of physical touching
Wash hands and use hand sanitizers frequently
Do not congregate at courts or in parking lot
<< League Tournament >>
This year’s tournament will be different from previous seasons. There will be no set weekend for both tournaments.
Both Singles and Doubles will run concurrently, throughout the rest of the season, each round match-up will have 7 days to complete.
Players cannot schedule Tournament Matches during regularly scheduled Team Matches, eg 08:45-11:00 Sat.
There will be a draw for Each Division for singles and doubles, if a partner is needed, one can be assigned.
Must be registered for KCTL Season and agree to Code of Conduct* and Waiver.
We are offering a discount for early registration for our singles and doubles tournaments. If you pay for your tournament registration at the same time as your league registration you will save $5. Tournament registration after the May 25th deadline will cost $20.
This league is not intended as an instructional league for beginners.
Applicants must be age 17 or older and play at an Intermediate level (2.5) as a minimum.